Many people really feel as though they can not miss work unless they absolutely have to because of the necessity of their hourly income. Others would simply prefer not to stay in bed all day - but are still concerned about getting other people sick - especially if he or she works with children. Digital home - thermometers are the very best kinds of thermometers you can use to determine how serious your illness is.
There are few ways to know for certain whether you have "just a cold," the flu, or any other kind of disease without going to see a doctor. Although likely, for example: if you have a problem such as a URI (upper respiratory infection) it can be possible to spread the infection - especially if a fever presents.
If you feel ill but are not febrile (in other words, if you are not running a fever) you will probably not spread whatever it is that you have to others. The best way to determine what to do is to check your temperature with a digital thermometer. Nonetheless, one should exercise this little 'stay at home or go' sickness test with care.
There are several different kinds of cold and pain medications that contain anti - pyretic active ingredients. Despite the fact that they make people feel better, medications such active anti - pyretic ingredients can fool you, especially when you are trying to determine whether or not you are contagious. The best way to determine if you will be contagious is to take your temperature before you take anti - pyretic drugs. Only when the anti - pyretic is out of your system can you discover whether or not you are contagious.
If you are still running a fever while you have an anti - pyretic in your system it is wise to call or visit your doctor. With an anti - pyretic drug in your system there should be no fever and when there is your simple "cold" could turn out to be something much more serious.
Digital thermometers are much more helpful for determining your actual body temperature, than other, older kinds of thermometers. So, with a digital thermometer you can find out, when you are ill, not only how ill you are, but also if you will be a danger to others.
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