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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How to Skip School

I made this as a JOKE.... but now looking back at it i guess it could be usefull If you don't want to go to school follow these steps and there is a good chance your parents won't make you go to school, or to an event. ok first the common utensils that are used by parents are following: ORAL THERMOMETER HAND EXTERNAL THERMOMETER EAR THERMOMETER and EYES ORAL THERMOMETER: go drink hot water when your parent leaves it to measure your temp. The normal temp is from 36-37.5 degrees C. so to put it over 40 degrees C you would be dead so put it around 39 degrees C. HAND: cover your face with a pillow for a while and this will make your head hot and you will look flushed. EXTERNAL THERMOMETER: this is pushed against the temple and measures your temp that way. Just do same as above or have a hot shower. EAR THERMOMETER: This is my mums favorite but is so easy to fool. first get a cotton bud that you clean your ear wax out with and dip it in some hot water now wait a little to cool it then put it in your ear and move it around a litte it warms your inner ear and fools the thermometer. EYES: the hardest to fool takes years of perfection or some fake vomit just get some corn relish and pour it in the toilet it looks yellow like bile and smells funky my mum hates the smell it makes her vomit so she thinks its vomit its so cool!! thankyou i worked for many years doing this and oh yeah dont do it every day just do it like once aq month!! peace out PsYcHo!! the folowing came from the ...

Automatic Blood Pressure Monitor