If you are attempting to raise money for your organization or a good cause, there are certain guidelines, which may be helpful to remember. They do not trust just anyone with this type of lucrative work, it is lucrative because working for a charity, you have instant credibility and people will hand over money to you because you are representing the charity. You also get a good cut of the money you raise for your efforts. But it is hard to get in.
The whole purpose of a fundraiser is to generate much needed funds, so do not use any money in setting up the fundraiser that you absolutely do not have to. You want to be able to turn over a big fat check when this is over, and you do not want to have to explain that half of the collections went to organizational costs. A raffle for a high cost item, such as a DVD player, a bicycle or even a plasma television is usually a popular idea. You can purchase a roll of tickets from your local office supply store. Check with your local stores, while they may not be able to donate the item you want to raffle, they may give you a really good deal. Then have fliers printed, make them colorful and interesting, you want them to get a lot of attention, let people know that you are going to be selling tickets, and when the raffle will take place. Set up a website and give the details, make pages to show why this cause should have their support.
You can have a bake sale, or you can have an online yard sale. The key to a successful fundraiser is to use donated items. While selling products like ornaments or catalog items may seem appealing, the salesperson that is providing those items is the one who is going to reap the benefits of your hard work, not the charity you are trying to help. There are lots of easy ideas for fundraisers, just be you choose the right ones.
If you want to become a professional fundraiser, and yes there really are millionaires that have made their money raising funds for nationally recognized charities. But they scrutinize all affiliates and you must have impeccable character. You have to apply with your best face forward and show references and work history. But the financial rewards are worth it.
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