In order to get rid of hemorrhoids we need to learn what this is. Hemorrhoids are abnormally swollen veins that are found in the anus or rectum. It looks like the varicose vein normally found on someone's leg. When the veins become irritated they usually become swollen, they itch, they burn and may sometimes cause bleeding.
There are two types of hemorrhoids. The internal and the external.
The internal hemorrhoids are not usually diagnosed based on the fact that they are found inside the rectum. However if there is bleeding then you should visit the doctor as this can be a sign that something more serious is happening.
The external hemorrhoid on the other hand is the one that you will notice. They cause severe itching, burning and sometimes they are very painful. Once the blood supply through the swollen vein becomes blocked, then a clot will form causing a thrombosed hemorrhoid which is a painful condition that is hard, smooth and appears black or purple in color. It is so uncomfortable to the point where it feels like something is growing from the anus.
To get rid of hemorrhoids successfully you need to find out the causes. These are outlined below.
What causes Hemorrhoids?
1. Lack of fiber in the diet
2. Standing or sitting for prolonged periods of time
3. Anal intercourse
4. Straining during bowel movement
5. Severe diarrhea
6. Lifting too many heavy objects
7. Constipation- which is one of the top causes of hemorrhoids as straining puts pressure on the veins
8. Pregnancy. This is caused by hormonal changes in the body where there is an increased pressure created by the growing fetus that forces the veins to work extremely harder to pump blood.
How to get rid of Hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids can be removed by undergoing a surgical procedure but there can be side effects and pain associated with this form of treatment. Not only, that stitches can break during bowel movement as well as infection can also occur.
Laser treatment can also be used and this is a common way to get rid of hemorrhoids
Creams such as hydrocortisones may be used to relieve swelling and itching generally associated with hemorrhoids. This is available over the counter and should be applied externally to the affected areas.
Wearing cotton underwear and loose clothing may help to reduce swelling of the hemorrhoids.
You should also ensure that you clean the anus properly after bowel movement by either gently patting with moist toilet paper or pads.
Now Pay very close attention to this
I have recommended this remedy to several people before and they have found results that have left them feeling totally comfortable and able to feel like themselves once again.
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