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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Why Do Some People Opt For Private Hospital Treatment?

The private hospital is an institution that has been around for a long time - in a sense it has been around a lot longer than any of the National Health Service hospitals, which were instituted in July of 1948. The NHS is of course the primary care provider for the majority of people in the United Kingdom, but a minority of people choose to go to a private hospital, either for their entire lives or for certain procedures. In this article we'll look at why people choose private care and what advantages it has.

The National Health Service is free at the point of delivery, and is funded through direct taxation. It is a very expensive institution, and as a demonstration of its size, it is one of the largest non military employers in the world. As the economic crisis continues to be felt, the public purse is having to consider cuts in many areas of the country's affairs - and with so much money going to the NHS, it is sure to be a big target. As the national health care provider, it has certain limitations in terms of comfort and waiting times.

This is where the private hospital arguably comes into its own, giving patients a little more comfort and dealing with health issues significantly more quickly than a national provider might. The health service can only provide beds in ward of several people, whereas a private hospital will be able to offer its patients private rooms in which they can be treated. Another issue that people often have with the NHS is that they have mixed sex wards; many people find this is inappropriate in the modern age. The private hospital of course solves this problem by providing single, private rooms.

Those who use a private hospital often fund the care by having health insurance. Patients therefore benefit, arguably, from having their treatments carried out much more quickly than they might expect in an NHS hospital. Sometimes, when people are not prepared to wait on the National Health Service for certain procedures, they may decide to pay for treatment on a one-off basis.

While only 8% of the UK population chooses to have treatment in private hospital institutions, it is nevertheless a popular method of addressing health issues. As the affects of the recession begin to be felt less, it is arguable that we will see more and more people opt for private medical care.

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